Thursday, January 29, 2015

All About Me Part 2

Yesterday in class, everyone presented their About Me projects, as well as the tool they used to create them. It was great to see the different types of technology that could be used in the classroom.

Some of my favorites were Pinterest, Tagxedo, Voki, and Tellagami. 

Each student was recorded to see what they do great and what they need to work on. I know I need to work on moving around the classroom a little more and try to stop saying "um".

I used Prezi. Prezi is like a Microsoft PowePoint presentation, except it is more mobile. I relate it to a map. There are various themes you can choose from, as well as endless pictures and videos to upload. The slides move around the screen instead of remaining stationary. Prezi is also FREE =) Here is my Prezi presentation. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

So What is This Thing Called....Social Studies?

Today I did a lot of reading on what social studies is, the curriculum standards and different types of assessments and assessment methods. From reading these papers, I have learned a great deal about
social studies in a short period of time.

Social studies promotes civic competence so students can obtain the knowledge and skills as a successful citizen. Social studies conveys the changing nature of knowledge through integrated approaches to resolve significant issues of human, as well as assists students in viewing reality. To incorporate these aspects into the social studies curriculum, NYS created ten themes to outline the social studies framework. These themes are:
                                Time, Continuity, and Change
                                People, Places, and Environments
                                Individual Development and Identity
                                Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
                                Power, Authority, and Governance
                                Production, Distribution, and Consumption
                                Global Connections
                                Civic Ideals and Practices
                                Science, Technology, and Society

Understanding is the ability to think and act with what you know. Here are important vocabulary words to know about knowledge and understanding:
                 explain, apply, compare and contrast, 
                 context, generalizations, justify,
                 examples. ritual knowledge, inert
                 knowledge, and naive knowledge.

There are various ways to assess student learning and understanding. Here is a short quiz I created on the different methods and ways to assess.

All About Me :-)

One of our first assignments was to create an About Me project using a type of technology. I decided to make a Prezi, which is like a mobile, modern PowerPoint presentation. I enjoyed using Prezi because there are an assortment of themes you can choose from for your slides. It is an awesome way to visually teach a topic. Personally, I never like to write or really talk about myself. However, Prezi made this experience fun and tolerable :-). 

The Start of My Social Studies Journey

The start of my social studies methods class was this past Wednesday. Honestly, I felt overwhelmed with the course load, but I know that I will be learning a great deal about various types of technology to use in my future classroom. We discussed a lot about how technology is a huge part of this generation and how it will continuously advance. Today, technology is everywhere and students do not know life without it.

One of our assignments was to watch these three videos:

                                                        Here is the first video 

We teach social studies for numerous reasons. One of these reasons is to teach students outside of their surroundings and communities, to make them aware of the outside world. Another reason is that social studies allows students to become better citizens and form their own opinions.A third reason is that social studies allows students to understand their place in the world and to experience culture.

We can bring social studies concepts to life for students by allowing them to make connections to what they are learning. Social studies concepts can also be brought to life by using a wide array of technology in the classroom.

These two videos displayed the reality of how quickly the technological world is advancing. I enjoyed them because they really open your eyes and showed how essential technology is. I found it interesting that what we learn today will be outdated in two years because of all the technological advances.