Thursday, January 29, 2015

All About Me Part 2

Yesterday in class, everyone presented their About Me projects, as well as the tool they used to create them. It was great to see the different types of technology that could be used in the classroom.

Some of my favorites were Pinterest, Tagxedo, Voki, and Tellagami. 

Each student was recorded to see what they do great and what they need to work on. I know I need to work on moving around the classroom a little more and try to stop saying "um".

I used Prezi. Prezi is like a Microsoft PowePoint presentation, except it is more mobile. I relate it to a map. There are various themes you can choose from, as well as endless pictures and videos to upload. The slides move around the screen instead of remaining stationary. Prezi is also FREE =) Here is my Prezi presentation. Enjoy!

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