After watching the Annenberg Learner video about engaging students in active learning, there are various strategies I feel are beneficial to student learning in the classroom. These active learning strategies are cooperative learning, authentic instruction, questioning, engaging activities, and presentations.
Personally, I really enjoy cooperative learning. Cooperative learning allows all students to participate and engage in discussion. Cooperative learning also contributes to students' social skills.
Authentic instruction is another active learning strategy. This strategy contains: Higher-order thinking (critical thinking), depth of knowledge (comprehensive learning), connections to the world beyond the classroom (applies concepts), substantive conversation (meaningful discussion), and social support for student achievement (encouragement/inclusion). Authentic instruction allows students to connect their learning to what they know and see/do in the real world. It allows students to receive encouragement to continue engagement and success in learning, to think critically and discuss the topic, and to learn comprehensively.
Questioning is another great active learning strategy. Questioning is quick and simplistic. It allows the teacher to informally assess what the students already know and what they need help on. It also keeps students engaged.
Engaging activities are extremely beneficial to students. When engaging activities are hands-on, it allows students to take abstract concepts and make them more concrete. This will allow students to comprehend and apply the concept correctly.
Presentations allow for students to share with the class what they have learned, as well as for the teacher to assess student learning. It is a great way for students to practice social skills, as well as display all their hard work.
Brittany, I like all of the information you included here! I agree actively engaging students in learning is so very important. I like the information you included about authentic instruction. It is a great way for students to demonstrate what it is they are learning!