Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mock Interview Trials

In my social studies methods class, I was interviewed by 3 "administrators". I was asked questions by each administrator like I was in a real life interview. Questions were based off of classroom management, inquiry, direct, and cooperative lessons, and social studies methods. 

The most difficult question I was asked was, "If you could relate any animal to your classroom, what would that animal be". For me, this question was very out of the box and open-ended for me. The most inspiring question for me was,"If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or living, who would it be?" This was most inspiring because I chose my great-grandfather who is no longer living and who was an inspiration in my life. All the questions asked were excellent and relative to what we learned in class, as well as a real-life interview. 

Overall, I thought this experience was a great learning experience. I felt prepared and thought I responded well to the questions. I felt this mock interview was a great experience for my future teaching interviews. 

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