Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Unit Plan Reflection

This semester, I had to write 3 lesson plans (Direct Instruction, Inquiry, and Cooperative lessons) with 2 other teacher candidates, and implement them in the classroom. I also had to write 3 additional mini-lesson plans individually. These six lessons compiled into my social studies unit plan about the Colonial Hudson Valley.  Here is the link to the outline of my unit plan. This maps the topics and key facts students will learn, as well as how the students are assessed. 

Overall, writing this unit plan was a great experience. By implementing the first three lessons, I was able to receive constructive and viable feedback. I was also able to implement one of my mini-lessons, the artifact bag, to other teacher candidates. I was provided with ample feedback on this lesson as well. Personally, I wish I had more time to write the unit plan, as well as more guidance. However, this experience has been a great one, one that I will carry with me in my future elementary classroom.  

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